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Kansom Abalone Soup with American Ginseng 425g
Kansom Abalone Soup with American Ginseng 425g

  • Kansom Abalone Soup with American Ginseng 425g

Kansom Abalone Soup with American Ginseng 425g

  • OFF
HKD 168.9

This herbal soup combines our deliciouswhole Abalone with American Ginseng. American Ginseng has been usedtraditionally in chinese cooking for generations to aid with the strengtheningof the central nervous system, the protection of the cardiovascular system,help lowering blood sugar, as well as promoting the body's metabolism to reduce fatigue.


How to Use:


Open Abalone Soup with American Ginseng,and pour soup into a saucepan or pot. Heat, stirring occasionally. Do not allowthe soup to boil.


Open Abalone Soup with American Ginseng andpour soup into a microwavable bowl. Heat covered on HIGH for approximately 2-2½ minutes or until hot. Heating times may vary depending on the typeof microwave.


WholeAbalone 鮑魚

AmericanGinseng 花旗參(西洋參)

RedDate 雞心紅棗

Yuzhu 玉竹       

MandarinPeel 陳皮


Country of Origin: Australian

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